Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Growing a Feast

This blog is just to document my mishaps in backyard gardening. A a little under a year and a half ago, Kody and I moved into a little duplex with a little back yard. A REALLY little back yard. We both were lucky to have grown up with parents that had a love for growing things, so naturally this was a tradition we wanted to carry on in our home.

Kody grew up on a ranch about 90 miles northwest of where we live now where as I grew up about a mile and half northwest of our little duplex. So our gardening styles and knowledge were more than a little different....Kody is accustomed to a big space were you can grow a lot of food, in rows. I am used to backyard gardening that is functional for growing edibles but at the same time "landscaped" for lack of a better term. We are constantly trying to find balance between these two styles, so you will probably hear a lot about our humorous garden battles.

Since moving to Houston, Kody has been working at a plant nursery and has absorbed an enormous amount of knowledge and has been a wonderful teacher to me. He also has an incredible work ethic and motivated and dedicated enough to keep our backyard garden experiment going.  Without him our garden would be a over grown jungle that I would assuredly get lost in.

 To me it looked like a mini secret garden, but to Kody it represented complete chaos. To be honest, I would have been perfectly happy in the chaos, I liked the hodgepodge of colorful flowers-but let's be honest, it wouldn't have worked as a vegetable garden and it needed to go. Thank you Kody, for doing what I couldn't and wouldn't.

After he (I can't say we, because it was really all him..I was to busy mourning the loss of the overgrown flowers to think about how yummy our home grown food would be) had cleared out the beds we started planting. Somethings we grew from seed and other things we bought ready to be planted.